Excel Center FAQs
The Excel Center is a free public contract school governed by Shelby County Schools where Shelby county residents 18 and older can earn their high school diploma.
Yes, The Excel Center is a public contract school governed by Shelby County Schools. The school was established and is operated by Goodwill Excel Center Mid-South, Inc. ( a mission extension program as part of Memphis Goodwill).
The Excel Center’s enrollment policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, religion, ancestry or need for special education services. Admission to The Excel Center is open to Shelby County residents who are 18 years of age and older.
Our enrollment process allows a student who dropped out of school with as little as no high school credits to advance through our 8-week learning sessions and earn their diploma in roughly two years. Students who have earned some high school credits may be able to complete their diploma program in less time. As students graduate from The Excel Center, enrollment spaces will open up each 8-week session. This allows current students to move through the program, and create additional enrollment slots for new students to be placed in Excel Center classes on a space-available basis.
The Excel Drop-in Center offers free child care for up to 4 hours a day while student parents are on campus. The Excel Center also offers free MATA bus passes for enrolled students who need help with transportation. Lastly, each student is assigned a life coach who helps to remove any barriers students may have to completing their education. Life coaches are present throughout the day to help students with personal issues and to offer sound advice so students can focus on school work.
All services provided at The Excel Center are free. That includes classes, books and learning materials, support services, and the on-site child care center.
Classes at The Excel Center are held Monday – Friday and are one hour and 20 minutes in duration. Your class schedule will depend on your availability. School is open on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and teachers/staff are able to meet with students individually.
The Excel Center does not offer lunch or meals to students or drop-in center children. Drop-in center parents are responsible for providing adequate snacks, lunches, and drinks (as well as basic supplies like pampers and wipes) for their children. Students are given a one hour lunch break. Occasionally, food trucks are present on campus for students to purchase meals.
Yes! There will be a graduation with caps and gowns to commemorate your achievement. Watch an overview of our first graduation commencement ceremony here.
Online enrollment form can be found here
Documents Needed to Enroll:
An official copy of high school transcript MUST BE SEALED(Online SCSK12.org or Board of Education; Please visit site for the most current fee)
Mailing Address: 2576 Thousand Oaks Blvd Memphis, TN 38118(Turnaround time is 7-10 business days)
Zero Credit Disclosure Form, if applicable
Copy of State Issued ID and Social Security Card
Shot Record ( 2 MMR & 2 Varicella)
Proof of Residency or Shared Residence Affidavit
General Proof of Residency must be submitted by providing two (2) of the following items listed:
Driver’s license or other State/Government-issued ID
Most recent MLGW bill
Mortgage statement or deed
Rental Agreement
If you share residence with someone a Shared Residence Form will be provided upon request.
Complete the school enrollment packet, which includes:
Your high school transcript (must be sealed).
Zero Credit Disclosure: If you haven’t attended or completed high school you can still enroll by signing this form.
A home language survey.
Resources application and education plan questionnaire.
Plan to use drop-in center for child care.
Parking information.
If your question is not answered above,
*Certifications are only available to Excel Center Students Obtaining Their High School Diploma.
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