Monetary Donations
Your financial gifts help us give people with barriers to employment a second chance
Your Gift Changes Lives
People obtain jobs through existing services like our Goodwill employment program
Adult learners get a second chance to earn their high school diploma through The Excel Center
Donate Online:
Click the donate button to make your secure gift
Donate by Mail:
Print the form below and mail it with your check or credit card number to:
Memphis Goodwill Inc.
Attn: Resource Development
6895 Stage Road
Memphis, TN 38133
Donate By Phone:
Call Jamie Edwards at
901-323-6221 ext. 104
Other ways to give:
Donate your gently used clothing and household items at any of our conveniently-located stores and donation centers.
Stop by one of our stores and shop for great bargains.
When you shop, round up your change. Our “Change Round-up” program supports mission services like The Excel Center.